Sunday, March 10, 2024

Finding time to write

I have not been published yet. I'm querying my first novel, but I haven't gotten my first full request yet (it hasn't even been a month, so I'm not too worried). Even if the novel gets picked up, and I manage to get a few more books published after, the chances of getting to the point of being able to live off my earnings from book sales is pretty much none.

So, I have a day-job. I'm lucky enough to get to work from home 3 days of the week. But my commute into the office is about an hour, so on the days I go in, I lose 2 hours of my life to sitting in a car.

Then there's family obligations. I live with family, and I enjoy spending time with them. I want to make sure they know that I love them and cherish them, so I try to give them time and attention.

When do I write? Well, every chance I get. I've heard it said that you should set aside a set time every day that you can focus on writing. I've tried that, but too often, things get in the way. A work project runs late and I can't just step away. There's a traffic accident on the freeway and it takes me an extra half hour to get home. My sister asks me to pick up my niece from ballet. We completely ran out of bread and I need to make an emergency trip to the store, so I might as well pick up the other things we're low on (literally happened just yesterday).

Instead of trying to carve out writing time, I set myself up so that any moment of the day could be writing time. I have a notebook and pens in my purse. I put a notebook specifically for my WIP in my work bag and take it to the office. I keep a notebook and my laptop next to me when I'm watching TV. Any little moment when inspiration might strike, I have a tool at my side that will allow me to start writing. Yes, I try to stick to a writing schedule as well, but I don't rely on it. Instead, I take the available moments as they come and keep myself prepared. It's served me well thus far.

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