Sunday, March 3, 2024

Mixing genres


I'm having something of a dilemma. I'm currently querying a queer YA novel and writing 2 sequels for it. But I'm also planning out an urban fantasy series for a general audience. I have an outline for a high fantasy series that could go either YA or general audience, haven't decided yet. And, just for fun, I sometimes write "spicy" romance.

The problem I'm having is that I can crank out romance stories a lot faster than the other books I write, because they're very trope heavy and predictable. I don't spend weeks and months doing complicated character building. I don't do series arcs. I just write fun little stories about people meeting and falling in love. I'm beginning to wonder if I should be querying my romance stories in addition to my YA novel, and, if so, how would that go over with readers and literary agents?

I'm worried that literary agents and publishers won't want someone to put their name on both bon-bon romance paperbacks and more serious novels. If my spicy romance novels get published, will people take my other novels seriously? Ideally, I would love it if I could get every manuscript I actually finish to be published, regardless of the genre or the audience. I just want people to read my stories and enjoy them. But I don't know of many authors who cross the line between straight up romance and serious fiction. I would consider using a pseudonym for the romance novels, to keep them separate from my other works, but I don't want to be disingenuous. I write what I write, and I write all over the map. Do I present myself to literary agents as an all-around author and hope they're willing to work with me in each genre? Do I focus my time and energy on only one genre at a time and try to build up a readership there before branching out? It's a conundrum.

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